The Fates have chosen...

The Fates have chosen...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Entry Three

Hello, my friends and followers.

So this afternoon, I spent my time on horseback, thinking about my character, Amalaya.  I tried to see the world through her eyes, from the back of Slim (my bay stallion), just as she would atop Solstice.  I felt one with my horse, feeling the way he moved beneath the saddle and watching how he reacted to different things, like the wind and the sound of my voice.  It was amazing, and refreshing.  It has been too long since I've gone riding, and I'm going to have to be doing it more often if I'm to write a novel with a horsewoman as my MC.

There are many things that have been going through my mind for The Phantom Races.  I've played with a bunch of ideas, drifting from just humans, goddesses, and unicorns, to the addition of angels and prophecies. I thought to myself, if the Phantom is to appear before Amalaya, then he has to have a reason, one dire enough for the Fates to send out their famous, or infamous, messenger.  Then I thought:  Angels.

So here's three words for you that I will hint to you:  Celestials, Shadows, and Shadow Angels.

Interesting, I hope.  I'm still playing around with the basics, but I'm working on it now, as we speak.  Things are really starting to piece together, sort of like a giant puzzled, though there are certainly many pieces that are still missing.

I can't wait to introduce you to my world that resides in my head.  Until then, my friends, stay tuned.  I know I keep saying that an excerpt it coming soon, but I promise you.  It is.  It so is.  Til then, have a great time, and for those of you are write, may the muses grant you inspiration.

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